Week 1:
There are over 101 different names for Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon.
Week 2:
And it came to pass . . . appears 1,404 times in the Book of Mormon, two hundred more times than in the entire Bible.Week 3:
The time period from 100 to 250 AD is a blind spot of information on the development of Christianity. Historians don't know how, when, or where the Apostasy occurred.
Week 4:
Take the following as evidence of the fulfillment of 2 Nephi 12:2-3,5:
Sister Brittany Dalton, a missionary currently serving on Temple Square, has had companions from Brazil, Russia, Peru, Tonga, Japan, Argentina, and Italy. She's talked to visitors from all over the US and Europe, Tonga, Israel, Puerto Rico, and China. Religious affiliations include Muslims, agnostics, atheists, Catholics, Jews, and Amish.
Week 5:
2 Nephi 31 is a singular dialogue in scripture--only example of a prophet, the Son, and the Father conversing/discussing together.
Week 6:
Relief Society has been established in 170 nations. The General Relief Society broadcast was transmitted in 82 languages into 175 countries.Week 7:
"Wound" is used 24 times in the Book of Mormon. Jacob 2:8-9,35 are the only times when "wound" is used to describe pain of the soul and heart. (Chris Conkling, Ensign, 2/92)
Week 8:
The small plates of Nephi were to contain the religious history of the Nephite people. . . . The fact that the writings of five men occupy such a small segment as the book of Omni would indicate this was a period of great apostasy--thus there were no new prophecies or religious teachings to be added to the record. (Daniel Ludlow, Unlocking the Book of Mormon)
Week 9:
The only times the words "Lord Omnipotent" are used in the Book of Mormon are during King Benjamin's speech--Mosiah 3:5,17-18, 21; 5:2, 15.
Week 10:
Mosiah 22 is the first chapter in the Book of Mormon to contain no references to God. Other chapters with no mention of Him are Alma 51, 52, 59; Helaman 2
Week 11:
The expression "costly apparel" occurs 14 times in the Book of Mormon.
Hugh Nibley
Week 12:
Alma 10:3 is the first mention that Lehi descended specifically from Manasseh.
Seven of the fourteen brethren to serve as first counselor to the President of the Church in this dispensation have been attorneys.
Week 13:
As cited in Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 269
It is entirely possible that this interesting incident (Alma 24:16-17) could have served as the source of the "bury-the-hatchet" tradition of showing peace, which was a common practice among some of the tribes of American Indians when Columbus and other white men came to their lands.
Week 14:
The "Liahona" is first mentioned by this name in Alma 37:38.
Week 15:
Recent evidence would seem to indicate the American Indian did not have a scalping tradition until after the coming of the coming of the white man--that is, until the seventeenth century. Apparently it was the white man who started the scalping custom, when some of the early colonists offered money for the scalps or hair of dead Indians. In order to get even with the evil white men who killed Indians just for their scalps (in much the same way as they would kill a buffalo for its hide), the Indians started to kill and scalp the whites in return.
Week 16:
In Guatemala, archaeologists have unearthed 2000-year-old cement tombs and burial vaults. And at a site near Mexico City, scientists have found the ruins of cement houses as well as a 210-foot cement monument. ---Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 372
Week 17:
It has been calculated that no fewer than thirty times throughout the Book of Mormon the cycles of prosperity and peace were destroyed, principally by the effects of human pride.--Joe J. Christensen, One Step at a Time: Building a Better Marriage, Family, and You, p. 414
Some scholars of the Book of Mormon have wondered if this story of the serpent did nto account for the "serpent motif" in the art and architecture of some of the American Indian cultures. Also it is of interest to ntoe that one of the names given by some of the American Indians to the great white God who appeared out of the eastern sky was Quetzalcoaltl, which literally means the bird-serpent, or the serpent of precious plumage.
--Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p 387
Week 19:
The prophecies of Samuel the Lamanite are some of the most specific in scripture—giving time frames and places along with prophesied occurrences.
Week 20:
By the time of the Savior's mortal ministry, the law of Moses had been at the foundation of Israelite religious and social life for over a thousand years.Week 20:
--Book of Mormon Student Manual, p. 305
Week 23:
Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 465
The life expectancy of the people was quite long during this period; the first historian kept the record for 77 years, the second for 84 years, and the third for 112 years! Of course, their age when they obtained the record would have to be added to the figures to determine their age at the time of death.
Week 24:
The American Civil War of the 1860s, the costliest war, in terms of human life, that the United States has ever known, took the lives of 640,000 men in a five-year period. Here, 230,000 fell in a single day.
Jeffrey R. Holland, The Book of Mormon: It Begins with a Family, p. 221
Week 25:
President Monson has dedicated twelve temples since becoming Church president. Only one prophet has dedicated more--can you guess who?
Week 26:
Doctrinal Insights into the Book of Mormon, 3:157
Hugh Nibley asserts that the Jaredites were driven from Babel “by an awful drought, accompanied by winds of such velocity as actually to blow down the tower.”
Week 27:
Hugh Nibley, Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 517
Let no one think the final chapter of Ether is at all fanciful or overdrawn. Wars of extermination are a standard institution in the history of Asia.
Book of Mormon--just published the 150 millionth copy. LDS.org
Week 28:
Susan Easton Black, “Names for Christ in the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, 7/78, 60-61
Of the 6,607 total verses found in the Book of Mormon, 3,925 reference Jesus Christ’s name. This means that some form of Christ’s name is mentioned approximately every 1.7 verses.
Week 21:
As far as our record shows water was first used [for the sacrament] in the Kirtland Temple in the solemn assemblies there.
--Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 3:2 (see also D&C 27:2-4)
Week 22:
In 1830, the world was still calling the US “that great and foolish American experiment.” The statement that this was a land and choice above all other lands sounded fantastic in 1830. Week 23:
Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 465
The life expectancy of the people was quite long during this period; the first historian kept the record for 77 years, the second for 84 years, and the third for 112 years! Of course, their age when they obtained the record would have to be added to the figures to determine their age at the time of death.
Week 24:
The American Civil War of the 1860s, the costliest war, in terms of human life, that the United States has ever known, took the lives of 640,000 men in a five-year period. Here, 230,000 fell in a single day.
Jeffrey R. Holland, The Book of Mormon: It Begins with a Family, p. 221
Week 25:
President Monson has dedicated twelve temples since becoming Church president. Only one prophet has dedicated more--can you guess who?
Week 26:
Doctrinal Insights into the Book of Mormon, 3:157
Hugh Nibley asserts that the Jaredites were driven from Babel “by an awful drought, accompanied by winds of such velocity as actually to blow down the tower.”
Week 27:
Hugh Nibley, Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 517
Let no one think the final chapter of Ether is at all fanciful or overdrawn. Wars of extermination are a standard institution in the history of Asia.
Book of Mormon--just published the 150 millionth copy. LDS.org
Week 28:
Susan Easton Black, “Names for Christ in the Book of Mormon,” Ensign, 7/78, 60-61
Of the 6,607 total verses found in the Book of Mormon, 3,925 reference Jesus Christ’s name. This means that some form of Christ’s name is mentioned approximately every 1.7 verses.