Week 1:
Read Moroni's promise in Moroni 10:3-5. How will you apply this promise as you study the Book of Mormon this year?
Week 2:
Nephi acknowledged the Lord's "tender mercies" in his life. What tender mercies have you experienced this week? List them in your journal and link them to 1 Nephi 1:20 so you can remember how the Lord has blessed your life today.Week 3:
James E. Faust equated divine communication to cell phone coverage--"We often put ourselves in dead spots--places and situations that block out divine messages." What are your personal dead spots? How can you improve your divine connection?Week 4:
What verses of Isaiah speak to you? Why? How have you seen their fulfillment in your life?
Week 5:
Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 115
"Do we consume and feast upon, or do we only occasionally taste the word of the Lord as delivered to us by the prophets? Perhaps it appears so rarely on our personal and family menus that we are not "nourished by the good word of God." Moroni 6:4
Week 6:
Time for a little self-evaluation:
Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 115
"Do we consume and feast upon, or do we only occasionally taste the word of the Lord as delivered to us by the prophets? Perhaps it appears so rarely on our personal and family menus that we are not "nourished by the good word of God." Moroni 6:4
How do we change?
Week 7:
How are you going to make the messages given by our living prophets part of your daily walk and talk for the next six months?
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 11:
Mosiah 24:20-23 Alma and his people give thanks for help in trying circumstances. How has the Lord done this for you? How can you recognize the Lord's hand in your life, easing your burdens?
Week 12:
Alma asks over 40 questions in chapter 5 regarding changing our hearts. Choose one of Alma's questions or create one of your own and set a goal to accomplish your own "mighty change of heart."
Week 13:
Reconfirm your goal set after the first class: Reread Moroni's promise. how will you apply this promise as you study the Book of Mormon? Post this goal in a place where it will focus your study this semester.
Week 14:
Alma 23:13--The people of Ammon buried all their weapons of war, not just the big ones or the broken ones--all of them. Identify a sin or weakness in your life that you would like to eliminate. Outline a plan, then put it into action. Make some tangible example of how you will change.
Week 15:
Alma 36:17; Alma 37:32-37; Alma 38:10-15; Alma 39:9-14--Alma counsels his sons. How can we use the example Alma set to improve our parenting and teaching of others?
Week 16:
We see repeatedly the problem of forgetting our God and thus making ourselves more vulnerable to the evil one. We need an individual title of liberty, a mission statement of what we believe. . . . Take the time to write down your values and standards for your life. Look to the scriptures and counsel from prophets. Reflect upon these and your personal goals, and merge them together into a comprehensive statement so you will have a plan to follow our Savior and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.
Unlocking the Book of Mormon, p. 322
Week 17:
How can we apply Moroni's defense tactics in our own personal battles for righteousness?
Week 18:
Helaman 11:23 references people receiving many revelations daily. How can we do this in our lives?
Week 19:
3 Nephi 5:13 What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? What would help you to be a more devoted disciple?
Week 20:
"Prayer is made up of heart throbs and the earnest yearnings of the soul, of supplication based on the realization of need, of contrition and pure desire. . . . God without our prayers would be God; but we without prayer . . ." Finish this statement. What are you without prayer? (Quote from Jesus the Christ, p. 238)
Week 21:
Learning the language of prayer is a joyous, lifetime experience. --Spencer W. Kimball, “Pray Always,” Ensign, 10/81
What are some of the benefits that come to use as we pray and ponder?Week 22:
3 Nephi 23:1-3 Christ commands us to search diligently in the scriptures, especially the words of Isaiah. How much time and effort do you spend each week reading the scriptures? How much of that time and effort do you think qualifies as searching?
Week 23:
Identify sources of contention in your own life, then outline a strategy of how to eliminate or minimize it in your home.
Week 24:
Miracles are before our eyes every day. What miracles do you see this week?
Week 25:
"Reflect on the messages and unique phenomenon of General Conference." Jeffrey R. Holland What are you going to change? What are you going to teach your family?
Week 26:
How can you avoid spending "four years on the seashore" like the Brother of Jared?
Week 27:
What does the word "faith" mean to you?
Week 28:
Moroni’s Promise—Reflect on your response to Moroni’s challenge issued in August. How did you do? What has changed? Record your testimony for posterity.