"I fear that many of us rush about from day to day taking for granted the holy scriptures. We scramble to honor appointments with physicians, lawyers and businessmen. Yet we think nothing of postponing interviews with Deity--postponing scripture study. Little wonder we develop anemic souls and lose our direction in living. How much better it would be if we planned and held sacred fifteen or twenty minutes a day for reading the scriptures. Such interviews with Deity would help us recognize His voice and enable us to receive guidance in all of our affairs. We must look to God through the scriptures."
--Carlos E. Asay, November 1978

Names for Jesus Christ

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List and source for names of Christ as listed in the Book of Mormon.  I've alphabetized them for easier reference.

A Son of God--Alma 36:17
All-powerful God--Alma 44:5
All-wise Creator--Mosiah 29:19
Almighty--2 Nephi 23:6
Almighty God--1 Nephi 17:48
Alpha and Omega--3 Nephi 9:18
All powerful Creator of heaven and earth--Jacob 2:2
Being--Mosiah 4:19
Christ--2 Nephi 10:3
Christ Jesus--Alma 5:44
Christ the Lord--Mosiah 3:19
Christ the Son--Alma 11:44
Christ, the Son of God--Helaman 5:12
Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God--Moroni 8:8
Counselor--2 Nephi 19:6
Creator of all things from the beginning--Mosiah 3:8
Eternal God--title page
Eternal Head--Helaman 13:38
Eternal Judge of both quick and dead--Moroni 10:34
Everlasting Father--2 Nephi 19:6
Everlasting God--1 Nephi 15:15
Everlasting Maker--Helaman 1:10
Father of all things--Mosiah 7:27
First fruits unto God--2 Nephi 2:9
Founder of peace--Mosiah 15:18
God--1 Nephi 11:6
God above all-- Mosiah 5:15
God Himself--Alma 42:15
God of Abraham--1 Nephi 6:4
God of Isaac--1 Nephi 6:4
God of Israel--1 Nephi 19:7
God of Jacob--1 Nephi 6:4
God of miracles--2 Ne 27:23
God of my Salvation--2 Nephi 9:44
God of Nature--1 Nephi 19:12
God of Our Fathers--1 Nephi 19:10
God of Truth--Ether 3:12
God of the whole earth--3 Nephi 11:14
God That Is Holy--2 Nephi 15:16
God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are--Mormon 9:11
Good Shepherd--Alma 5:60
Great and True Shepherd--Helaman 15:13
Great Creator--2 Nephi 9:5
Great Jehovah--Moroni 10:34
Great Mediator--2 Nephi 2:27
Great Spirit--Alma 18:2
Head--Jacob 4:17
Heavenly Father--Mosiah 2:34
His Holy Child, Jesus--Moroni 8:3
His Holy One--1 Nephi 21:7
His Son--Alma 24:10
His Son, Jesus Christ--Moroni 7:48
Holy and Just God--Mormon 9:4
Holy God--2 Nephi 9:39
Holy Messiah--2 Nephi 2:6
Holy One--2 Nephi 20:17
Holy One of Israel--1 Nephi 19:14
Holy One of Jacob--2 Nephi 27:34
I AM--1 Nephi 20:12
I am the Lord--3 Nephi 24:6
I the Lord--2 Nephi 6:18
Immanuel--2 Nephi 17:14

Jesus--2 Nephi 31:10
Jesus Christ--2 Nephi 25:19
Jesus Christ, the Son of God--Alma 6:8
Jesus Christ their Redeemer--Alma 37:9
King--2 Nephi 16:5
King of Heaven--2 Nephi 10:14
Lamb--1 Nephi 12:8
Lamb of God--1 Nephi 10:10
Life and Light of the World--Alma 38:9
Light and Life of the World--Mosiah 16:9
Lord--1 Nephi 1:1
Lord God--1 Nephi 10:4
Lord God Almighty--1 Nephi 1:14
Lord God of Hosts--2 Nephi 13:15
Lord God Omnipotent--Mosiah 3:21
Lord Jehovah--2 Nephi 22:2
Lord Jesus Christ--Mosiah 3:12
Lord my God--2 Nephi 3:6
Lord of Hosts--1 Nephi 20:2
Lord of the vineyard--Jacob 5:10
Lord Omnipotent--Mosiah 3:5
Lord our God--Mosiah 1:10
Lord the Almighty God--Mosiah 11:23
Lord of the Harvest--Alma 26:7
Lord their God--1 Nephi 7:21
Lord their Redeemer--1 Nephi 20:17
Lord thy Redeemer--1 Nephi 20:17
Lord thy God--2 Nephi 8:15
Lord your God--1 Nephi 22:20
a Man--3 Nephi 11:8
Man of sorrows--Mosiah 14:3
Master--Jacob 5:4
Merciful Being--Alma 26:35
Merciful God--Alma 42:15
Messiah--1 Nephi 1:19
Mighty God--2 Nephi 19:6
Mighty One of Jacob--1 Nephi 21:26
Mine Everlasting God--2 Nephi 4:35
Most Beloved--Mormon 5:14
Most High--2 Nephi 24:14
Most High God--1 Nephi 11:1
My Father--Jacob 7:22
My God--Enos 1:1
My God and My Savior Jesus Christ--3 Nephi 5:20
My Great God--Alma 24:8
My Lord--1 Nephi 20:14
My Maker--Jacob 2:6
My Redeemer--Mosiah 27:30
My Rock--2 Nephi 4:35
My Well-Beloved--Helaman 5:47
One--1 Nephi 1:9
One Jesus Christ--Alma 36:17
Only Begotten of the Father--2 Nephi 25:12
Only Begotten Son--Jacob 4:5
Our Creator--Alma 5:25
Our God--2 Nephi 9:9
Our Great and Eternal Head--Helaman 13:38
Our Great and Everlasting God--Helaman 12:8
Our Great and True God--Helaman 13:18
Our Great God--Alma 24:17
Our Lord and Savior--Mormon 8:6
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ--Mormon 3:14
Our Lord Jesus Christ--Moroni 7:2
Our Merciful God--2 Nephi 10:20
Our Savior--Moroni 8:29
Perfect, just God--Alma 42:15
Prince of Peace--2 Nephi 19:6
Prophet--1 Nephi 22:20
Rock of their Salvation--Jacob 7:25
Redeemer--1 Nephi 10:6
Redeemer of Israel--1 Nephi 21:7
Redeemer of the world--1 Nephi 10:5
Rock of my righteousness--2 Nephi 4:35
Rock of my Salvation--2 Nephi 4:30
Savior--2 Nephi 31:13
Savior of the world--1 Nephi 10:4
Shepherd--1 Nephi 13:41
Son--2 Nephi 31:12
Son of God--1 Nephi 11:18
Son of Our Great God--Alma 24:13
Son of Righteousness--3 Nephi 25:2
Son of the Eternal Father--1 Nephi 11:21
Son of the Everlasting God--1 Nephi 11:32
Son of the Living God--2 Nephi 31:16
Son of the Most High God--1 Nephi 11:6
Stone--Jacob 4:16
Supreme Being--Alma 11:22
Supreme Creator--Alma 30:44
That Being who created them--Mormon 5:2
That Holy Being--Mormon 9:3
The Beginning and the End--Alma 11:39
The Christ, the Son of the Living God--Mormon 5:14
The Father--Mosiah 15:2
The Father and the Son--Mormon 9:12
The First and the Last--Alma 11:39
The Life and the Light of the World--Alma 38:9
The Light and the Life and the Truth of the world--Ether 4:12
The Lord, the Redeemer of men--Alma 28:8
The Very Eternal Father--Mosiah 16:15
The Way--2 Nephi 31:21
Their Redeemer--Mosiah 27:30
Their Shepherd--Mormon 5:17
Thy Lord--2 Nephi 8:22
Thy Maker, thy husband--3 Nephi 22:5
True and Living God--1 Nephi 17:30
True God--Mormon 8:10
True Messiah--1 Nephi 10:14
True Vine--1 Nephi 15:15
Unchangeable Being--Mormon 9:19
Very Eternal Father of Heaven and Earth--Mosiah 15:4
Wonderful--2 Nephi 19:6
Word of Truth and Righteousness--Alma 38:9
Your great Creator--Jaob 3:7
Your Holy God--Helaman 8:25
Your Lord Jesus Christ--Moroni 8:2
Your Maker--2 Nephi 9:40
Your Lord and Your Redeemer--2 Nephi 31:17