January 6--Overview and Alma 6-16
January 13--Alma 17-29
January 20--Alma 30-39
January 27--Alma 40-51
February 3--Alma 52-Helaman 4
February 10--Helaman 5-12
February 17--Helaman 13-3 Nephi 7
February 24--3 Nephi 8-14
March 3--3 Nephi 15-19
March 10--3 Nephi 20-26
March 17--Spring Break
March 24--3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi
March 31--Mormon 1-9
April 7--General Conference
April 14--Ether 1-10
April 21--Ether 11-Moroni 6
April 28--Moroni 7-10 and Class Summary
Note: We will spend the entire class time on April 7 discussing General Conference. Materials for that assignment will be provided.