List and source for names of Christ as listed in the Book of Mormon. I've alphabetized them for easier reference.
A Son of God--Alma 36:17
All-powerful God--Alma 44:5
All-wise Creator--Mosiah 29:19
Almighty--2 Nephi 23:6
Almighty God--1 Nephi 17:48
Alpha and Omega--3 Nephi 9:18
All powerful Creator of heaven and earth--Jacob 2:2
Being--Mosiah 4:19
Christ--2 Nephi 10:3
Christ Jesus--Alma 5:44
Christ the Lord--Mosiah 3:19
Christ the Son--Alma 11:44
Christ, the Son of God--Helaman 5:12
Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God--Moroni 8:8
Counselor--2 Nephi 19:6
Creator of all things from the beginning--Mosiah 3:8
Eternal God--title page
Eternal Head--Helaman 13:38
Eternal Judge of both quick and dead--Moroni 10:34
Everlasting Father--2 Nephi 19:6
Everlasting God--1 Nephi 15:15
Everlasting Maker--Helaman 1:10
Father of all things--Mosiah 7:27
First fruits unto God--2 Nephi 2:9
Founder of peace--Mosiah 15:18
God--1 Nephi 11:6
God above all-- Mosiah 5:15
God Himself--Alma 42:15
God of Abraham--1 Nephi 6:4
God of Isaac--1 Nephi 6:4
God of Israel--1 Nephi 19:7
God of Jacob--1 Nephi 6:4
God of miracles--2 Ne 27:23
God of my Salvation--2 Nephi 9:44
God of Nature--1 Nephi 19:12
God of Our Fathers--1 Nephi 19:10
God of Truth--Ether 3:12
God of the whole earth--3 Nephi 11:14
God That Is Holy--2 Nephi 15:16
God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are--Mormon 9:11
Good Shepherd--Alma 5:60
Great and True Shepherd--Helaman 15:13
Great Creator--2 Nephi 9:5
Great Jehovah--Moroni 10:34
Great Mediator--2 Nephi 2:27
Great Spirit--Alma 18:2
Head--Jacob 4:17
Heavenly Father--Mosiah 2:34
His Holy Child, Jesus--Moroni 8:3
His Holy One--1 Nephi 21:7
His Son--Alma 24:10
His Son, Jesus Christ--Moroni 7:48
Holy and Just God--Mormon 9:4
Holy God--2 Nephi 9:39
Holy Messiah--2 Nephi 2:6
Holy One--2 Nephi 20:17
Holy One of Israel--1 Nephi 19:14
Holy One of Jacob--2 Nephi 27:34
I AM--1 Nephi 20:12
I am the Lord--3 Nephi 24:6
I the Lord--2 Nephi 6:18
Immanuel--2 Nephi 17:14
Jesus--2 Nephi 31:10
Jesus Christ--2 Nephi 25:19
Jesus Christ, the Son of God--Alma 6:8
Jesus Christ their Redeemer--Alma 37:9
King--2 Nephi 16:5
King of Heaven--2 Nephi 10:14
Lamb--1 Nephi 12:8
Lamb of God--1 Nephi 10:10
Life and Light of the World--Alma 38:9
Light and Life of the World--Mosiah 16:9
Lord--1 Nephi 1:1
Lord God--1 Nephi 10:4
Lord God Almighty--1 Nephi 1:14
Lord God of Hosts--2 Nephi 13:15
Lord God Omnipotent--Mosiah 3:21
Lord Jehovah--2 Nephi 22:2
Lord Jesus Christ--Mosiah 3:12
Lord my God--2 Nephi 3:6
Lord of Hosts--1 Nephi 20:2
Lord of the vineyard--Jacob 5:10
Lord Omnipotent--Mosiah 3:5
Lord our God--Mosiah 1:10
Lord the Almighty God--Mosiah 11:23
Lord of the Harvest--Alma 26:7
Lord their God--1 Nephi 7:21
Lord their Redeemer--1 Nephi 20:17
Lord thy Redeemer--1 Nephi 20:17
Lord thy God--2 Nephi 8:15
Lord your God--1 Nephi 22:20
a Man--3 Nephi 11:8
Man of sorrows--Mosiah 14:3
Master--Jacob 5:4
Merciful Being--Alma 26:35
Merciful God--Alma 42:15
Messiah--1 Nephi 1:19
Mighty God--2 Nephi 19:6
Mighty One of Jacob--1 Nephi 21:26
Mine Everlasting God--2 Nephi 4:35
Most Beloved--Mormon 5:14
Most High--2 Nephi 24:14
Most High God--1 Nephi 11:1
My Father--Jacob 7:22
My God--Enos 1:1
My God and My Savior Jesus Christ--3 Nephi 5:20
My Great God--Alma 24:8
My Lord--1 Nephi 20:14
My Maker--Jacob 2:6
My Redeemer--Mosiah 27:30
My Rock--2 Nephi 4:35
My Well-Beloved--Helaman 5:47
One--1 Nephi 1:9
One Jesus Christ--Alma 36:17
Only Begotten of the Father--2 Nephi 25:12
Only Begotten Son--Jacob 4:5
Our Creator--Alma 5:25
Our God--2 Nephi 9:9
Our Great and Eternal Head--Helaman 13:38
Our Great and Everlasting God--Helaman 12:8
Our Great and True God--Helaman 13:18
Our Great God--Alma 24:17
Our Lord and Savior--Mormon 8:6
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ--Mormon 3:14
Our Lord Jesus Christ--Moroni 7:2
Our Merciful God--2 Nephi 10:20
Our Savior--Moroni 8:29
Perfect, just God--Alma 42:15
Prince of Peace--2 Nephi 19:6
Prophet--1 Nephi 22:20
Rock of their Salvation--Jacob 7:25
Redeemer--1 Nephi 10:6
Redeemer of Israel--1 Nephi 21:7
Redeemer of the world--1 Nephi 10:5
Rock of my righteousness--2 Nephi 4:35
Rock of my Salvation--2 Nephi 4:30
Savior--2 Nephi 31:13
Savior of the world--1 Nephi 10:4
Shepherd--1 Nephi 13:41
Son--2 Nephi 31:12
Son of God--1 Nephi 11:18
Son of Our Great God--Alma 24:13
Son of Righteousness--3 Nephi 25:2
Son of the Eternal Father--1 Nephi 11:21
Son of the Everlasting God--1 Nephi 11:32
Son of the Living God--2 Nephi 31:16
Son of the Most High God--1 Nephi 11:6
Stone--Jacob 4:16
Supreme Being--Alma 11:22
Supreme Creator--Alma 30:44
That Being who created them--Mormon 5:2
That Holy Being--Mormon 9:3
The Beginning and the End--Alma 11:39
The Christ, the Son of the Living God--Mormon 5:14
The Father--Mosiah 15:2
The Father and the Son--Mormon 9:12
The First and the Last--Alma 11:39
The Life and the Light of the World--Alma 38:9
The Light and the Life and the Truth of the world--Ether 4:12
The Lord, the Redeemer of men--Alma 28:8
The Very Eternal Father--Mosiah 16:15
The Way--2 Nephi 31:21
Their Redeemer--Mosiah 27:30
Their Shepherd--Mormon 5:17
Thy Lord--2 Nephi 8:22
Thy Maker, thy husband--3 Nephi 22:5
True and Living God--1 Nephi 17:30
True God--Mormon 8:10
True Messiah--1 Nephi 10:14
True Vine--1 Nephi 15:15
Unchangeable Being--Mormon 9:19
Very Eternal Father of Heaven and Earth--Mosiah 15:4
Wonderful--2 Nephi 19:6
Word of Truth and Righteousness--Alma 38:9
Your great Creator--Jaob 3:7
Your Holy God--Helaman 8:25
Your Lord Jesus Christ--Moroni 8:2
Your Maker--2 Nephi 9:40
Your Lord and Your Redeemer--2 Nephi 31:17